La Selva Community Clinic
La Selva Community Clinic offers a full spectrum of mental health services for English and Spanish speaking adults. These services include, but are not limited to:
- Psychiatry (assessment and Medication management)
- Case Management (coordinating care and discharge planning)
- Counseling
- Day Program
- Discount medication support
There are no fees at La Selva Community Clinic. Please contact us to find out more about eligibility to our program. *This program is funded in part by El Camino Health and El Camino Healthcare District. Contact: Martha Zambrano, LMFT Program Manager Martha is here to help! She will answer questions about appointments and our no cost services.
Call us at 650-617-8350 or send us a text at 650-484-1428. Llame al 650-617-8350 o mande un mensaje de texto al 650-484-1428. Download the La Selva Community Clinic flyer: English | Spanish
Martha Zambrano, LMFT
Martha is a bilingual clinician working with both mono-lingual clients and clients participating in our outpatient program at La Selva. Using a blend of mindfulness and cognitive behavioral therapy, Martha provides short term psychotherapy as well as case management services. Martha is passionate about community work and has worked in various settings including working with at-risk juvenile offenders, survivors of domestic violence and child protective services. Her interests include working with young adults, incarcerated/at-risk populations and family therapy.
Martha es una terapeuta bilingüe y la coordinadora de la Clínica de la Comunidad La Selva. Utilizando una combinación de atención plena y terapia cognitivo-conductual, Martha ofrece psicoterapia a corto plazo y servicios de administración de casos. Martha disfruta trabajar para la comunidad y tiene experiencia trabajando con jóvenes en riesgo, sobrevivientes de violencia doméstica y servicios de protección infantil. Sus intereses incluyen trabajar con jóvenes, poblaciones encarceladas / en riesgo y terapia familiar.
Ana Valle-Hernandez, LMFT
Ana is a bilingual clinician in our outpatient program at La Selva Community Clinic. Using a blend of mindfulness, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Somatic Experience approaches Ana provides short term psychotherapy as well as case management services. Ana thoroughly enjoys helping people find ways to be their best self. She has experience working with at-risk juvenile offenders, families, couples, and individuals. Her interests include working with clients helping them work through trauma while focusing on the mind-body connection.
Ana es una terapeuta bilingüe en nuestro programa La Selva Community Clinic. Usando una combinación de terapia cognitiva conductual y experiencia somática, Ana ofrece psicoterapia a corto plazo. Ana disfruta mucho ayudar a las personas a encontrar formas de ser lo mejor posible y sentirse como si mismos. Ella tiene experiencia trabajando con juveniles en situaciones de riesgo, familias, parejas e individuos. Sus intereses incluyen trabajar con clientes ayudándoles a superar el trauma mientras se enfoca en la conexión mente-cuerpo.
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